
Welcome to my blog. It includes adventures of food, family, small towns, and fun parties.

Casserole Week

Casserole Week

Casserole week is here! Yes! For all you getting ready for Thanksgiving this week, hopefully this post will give you some ideas to bring to your family gathering. Many blessings to you and yours!


A few years ago my friends and I had a “Friendsgiving.” On the menu that night was Broccoli Casserole made by the lovely Sandy Dillard. Walt and I both walked away that night complimenting to each other as to how wonderful her casserole was. So, naturally, when it came to writing my cookbook I was dying to include it. Sandy graciously gave me the recipe and a few insider tips. You can find it on page 116 of My Sweet Home Georgia Cookbook! Thank you Sandy for sharing your food and love!


This has to be one of my casseroles ever. And my Granny knew it. She made it for me every time she stayed with us when my parents were busy and needed some extra help. Adam, my brother, loves it too. Oh what memories it brings back to me!

You can find this recipe in My Sweet Home Georgia Cookbook! Enjoy all you Turkeys!


I am proud to say that the best Macaroni and Cheese recipe in the world is included in My Sweet Home Georgia Cookbook! The Queen of Macaroni and Cheese, My Granny Avis Cheney, taught me how to make this cheesy goodness and now I can share it with you! Enjoy!

My Interview with Jim Stone

My Interview with Jim Stone

Get Together Food

Get Together Food