
Welcome to my blog. It includes adventures of food, family, small towns, and fun parties.

July Southern Living Tomato Pie

July Southern Living Tomato Pie

The first time I ever had tomato pie, was about 21 years ago at a bridesmaids luncheon. My mother and her good friend, Nella Maxwell, were the hostesses. Nella brought over these incredible tomato pies and I stole a bite in the kitchen. Oh they were so good. I do believe that was the first and last time I ever had a tomato pie. Last night , that problem was remedied. Southern Living had this delcious pie on their cover. It lived up to the title “Best-Ever” and left my husband ( the new tomato eater) blown away.

So good.

So good.

There is no doubt that just like good wine makes for tasty sauces, good tomatoes make for awesome tomato dishes. We are growing a few of our own, but we didn’t have nearly enough of the 3 lbs needed for this recipe. I would recommend using a heartier tomato as these are cooked down. The Cherokee Purples (which were quite ripe) fell apart in the prep. The firmer and beefier tomatoes held their own.

Heirloom Tomatoes
ready for the oven

ready for the oven

Shotguns and Waffle House

Shotguns and Waffle House

More than just the grocery store

More than just the grocery store