
Welcome to my blog. It includes adventures of food, family, small towns, and fun parties.

Shotguns and Waffle House

Shotguns and Waffle House

Food can take you anywhere.  It takes you down the street when you need a quick bite, it takes you to your Mother’s for your birthday, and it can take you to different parts of the country and the world to taste the delights of the local cuisines.  And though it might not be your reason for going, food is an important element of any travel.  Let me explain. 

This past week I wore the role of “Shotgun Mom” proudly as our son participated in the SCTP National Shotgun Competition at the Cardinal Shooting Center in Marengo, Ohio just outside of Columbus.  Over 4000 young adults gathered from 34 states to compete in various shooting competitions including skeet, trap, and sporting clays.  Ford, our son, was a first-time participant at this level and now I can confidently say, “We have learned the ropes.”  My hope is the guide linked at the bottom of the post will give you some tips on navigating the week (especially you first timers), learning about the food options, and shedding light on what is sure to be an amazing week with your shooter.   

To get there, we flew into the John Glenn International Airport in Columbus, Ohio on Delta straight from Atlanta, Georgia.  After arriving and learning the strip on my credit card had demagnetized, I learned a new lesson in rental cars: Make sure your magnetic strip works.  After a few failed attempts at a rental company without a chip reader, we made a new reservation with a chip-reading company and were on our way to drop off our bags then head to the Cardinal Shooting Center. 

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express, one of many hotels off Polaris Parkway at exit 121 off Interstate 71.  It is conveniently located just 25 minutes from the airport.  The exit has everything you need with a mall and many shops, a grocery store, a variety of restaurants, hotels, and much entertainment.  As a Georgia girl I was most excited to find The Waffle House and Chick Fil A just down the street.  Oh, happy day!  This trip was going to be six days of shooting clay targets from sunup to sundown for our teenage son.  Eating well and keeping him fed was paramount.  I was relieved to know breakfast was handled and a tasty and quick drive-thru dinner was available after a long day. 

The Cardinal Shooting Center is off exit 140 on Interstate 71.  It is exactly 17 minutes north from our hotel’s exit, 121, off Polaris Parkway.  It is a very easy ride up there.  I had been informed by fellow parents that we were heading to a large facility.  But wow! Seeing it in person was amazing!  Trap field after trap field, skeet ranges lining a half mile road, 1000 RVs all housing shooters and their families, gun vendors from all over the world, and food trucks with goodies filled the facility.  We found our friends and teammates, Marie and Cooper Rainey, to get Ford’s gun and ammo as they kindly drove it up the nine hours from our hometown, Eatonton, Georgia.  With two SCTP shooters and two family dogs, they were camping onsite in their RV.  They guided us around the campsite showing us where the team corn hole tournament was being held, where head coaches had the team meeting spot, and the lay of the land in the area.  Marie assured me that I would soon be able to make sense of everything.  I just needed to give it a day or so. 

Our delay with the rental car caused us to miss the team meeting.  So, after going by the main campsite to get our information, and most importantly Ford’s vest number, we were headed back to the hotel to get ready for the next day of shooting.  Ford would start with skeet the following day at 10am. 

As we left to go back to our exit for dinner, Ford was brimming with excitement.  This would be his first time shooting on a national level.  He was pumped.  After getting back to our exit, our dinner choices were ample as the Polaris Parkway is full of restaurants familiar to many.  We settled in at the Outback with a “blooming onion” to make our plan for the next day.   It was time to eat, shower, and get ready to start the next day. 

The first day proved to be one of excitement, growing, and team building.  We started with a hearty Waffle House breakfast!  It was the perfect way to start the day. All the people working at the Waffle House were curious about our hometown, the shooting competition, and knew how to have those small conversations that make you feel like you are at your “home away from home.”  Plus, the eggs over medium were on point and the bacon just the right amount of crispy.  Delish! 

Ford shot well on his first day despite his nerves rattling.  Skeet and Handicap trap were his first competitions.  I watched him grow as he continued through the shooting stations, one after the other, calling pull even though there was a pit in his stomach.  He was brave and finished strong.  The following days after were filled with more skeet, trap, and sporting clay events.  We used the practice fields for trap and sporting clays so Ford could warm up before his rounds.  The Make A Break competition and Shoot the Flurry games were fun for him to do while honing his skills.  As the week progressed, his nerves settled and he grew stronger and more comfortable.  He pushed through and enjoyed many personal bests on the trip!   His squad won second in the Intermediate Advanced division in double skeet and his team, Lake Oconee Shotgun Team, won second overall!  Congrats shooters and coaches!

Throughout the week we shopped in all the stores at the Cardinal Center learning about and admiring the various shotguns and wares from the vendors. Kreighoff, Beretta, and Ceasar Guerini, just to name a few, were all there.  Our favorite lunch spot was a food truck onsite called 3 Flame.  The beef brisket and BBQ pork and chicken were excellent.  For a treat after shooting Ford enjoyed the Sky Cone, an ice cream that reaches to the sky!  Or so it seems!

During the evening Ford and I palled around the Polaris Parkway area enjoying Top Golf, going to the movies, checking out the Gun Room in Cabela’s, and eating at some tasty restaurants.  Our two favorite dinner spots were Kitchen Social and Nomad.  Both offered Contemporary American fare in a pleasant and inviting environment.   The pork belly steam bun at Nomad was a hit.  The Harissa Chicken and Shrimp Tacos were on point at Kitchen Social.  Our team hosted a mid-week Low Country Boil as we Georgia people like to do.  It hit the spot with just the right amount of heat on the shrimp. The only thing to beat the Low Country Boil was the homemade ice cream for dessert. 

The week was a success both on and off the field.  As his mother, I was especially proud of Ford.  Yes, he shot beautifully.  However, my greatest gift from this week was a peak into the future.  I was able to witness firsthand of the man he is becoming.  Over the last seven days I watched him show leadership, integrity, patience, kindness, and courage.  He cheered for his teammates, helped those in need, listened keenly to his coaches, and was patient with himself as he settled in for some of the best shooting he has done yet.  As a parent, can you ask for more?  Yes, this experience can be daunting to navigate.  However, watching these kids stand tall, shoulder to shoulder with the best in the nation, kindly offering sportsmanship to others, and doing their best inspire me.  Our future is bright with kids like this. 

And my friend, Marie, was right.  As the week progressed we settled in and figured out what we were doing.  I learned many points worth sharing and remembering for the future.  The facility is big and full of competitors, but it all starts to make sense as you show up and learn.  I highly recommend this opportunity for your clay shooter.  The competition is fierce, but the growth is unlike any other.  Congratulations to all the competitors from far and wide.  See you next year! 

!!! Click here to read the Newcomer's Guide to SCTP Nationals !!!

My boy and me.

Our new friends at the Waffle House off Polaris Parkway in Ohio.

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