
Welcome to my blog. It includes adventures of food, family, small towns, and fun parties.

More than just the grocery store

More than just the grocery store

You know, the hardest part about starting this blog is starting this blog. Writing the first post. Saying to the world that you have something to say! Then you ask yourself, what do I have to say? What do I have to say that matters to the world? That people would want to read? Sometimes it feels ridiculous to talk about the mundane. However, maybe our mundane isn’t so mundane after all. I ask myself, who am I writing to? Right now maybe it’s to my inner self, to my kids, to my husband, or to my family members who I know will read this because they love me. I am curious to see as it has yet to be created.

I do, however, believe there is something to say. Something I want to say and write down. Being a wife and mother is incredible. It is one of my greatest honors. The sound of all the voices in our home is a treasure. I know it’s one that does not last forever as our children grow older. My heart hurts to think about it. Funny thing is, sometimes all those voices become my voice and what I thought was my voice is a thousand different voices. Maybe those are the voices in my head? Even if they are, it seems as though some cultivation and organization of thought is in need. Maybe - or I hope so - my kids will want to read these musings one day when they are older. So I guess this blog is for y’all, sweet children. A glimpse of our life outside of just a cleaning the house and going to the grocery store (which I both love).

July Southern Living Tomato Pie

July Southern Living Tomato Pie